self-portrait with swoopy hair

self-portrait with swoopy hair In honor of Valentine’s day, this week I will be posting stuff that has to do with love. First, and most importantly: loving oneself. Thus, a self portrait.

One of my favorite Valentine’s Days was in 2004. It was the second semester of my Freshman year of college, my first year living in New York City, I was eighteen and I was single. I’ve more often been single than coupled on Valentine’s day, and I always enjoyed it. So, on February 14, 2004 I took myself to H&M and bought myself a big bling-y ring (still have it) and then took myself to the movies. It was great. I was in love with New York, in love with myself and the person I was becoming.

I can really remember the feeling of walking around that evening, in my red parka and jeans, the rhythm of Union Square, the joy I felt for my life and for being alone at that moment.